


Updated 2018-02-17


We hope you are as excited about joining our events as we are about having you there! We want to ensure all attendees have a positive, rewarding experience during our gaming getaway weekend. To help reach that goal, we’ve put together this code of conduct to guide everyone in making our events a safe, inclusive, and awesomely fun time for all.

Mission Statement:

It is our policy at PlayWest to encourage an inviting atmosphere that is multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual, where players of all backgrounds may feel safe with themselves and around other players.

We will not tolerate harassment in any form. It is every attendee’s, guest’s and participant’s right to a harassment-free experience, regardless of race or ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, physical appearance, body size, sexual orientation, disability or age. Anyone found to be causing harassment may be sanctioned and/or banned outright from this and future affiliated events. We reserve the right to take any actions we deem necessary to ensure our event has a welcoming environment and we take every report of harassment seriously.

Reporting and enforcement:

If anyone, regardless of who they are, makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it to any of our event staff or volunteers as soon as you are able. You can also email Amber & Eric privately and discreetly. We will take every report extremely seriously, in confidence, and with the utmost respect. We will not ask you to confront anyone.

Guidelines for good conduct:

-Be respectful in all forums and discussions, but particularly those that may relate to issues of discrimination or representation. It is your responsibility to participate in in a respectful manner and be considerate of all attendees.

-Focus on the fun. This is meant to be a positive experience for everyone, and at the end of the day, games are just that, games. It’s good to be aware of your own gaming style, and consider how that may play a role in your conduct.